Jetting The LC - Page 3

Once the carbs are removed you need a good working area safe from wind, pets, kids, etc. and a place where you can lay some really small parts about and not lose them. One of my wife's white towels worked real well for this :)

I had previously removed the idle mixture screw caps so I don't have a picture of what they look like in place. Removing the caps requires drilling out the caps and then pulling them with a sheet metal screw. Here is a picture of the location of the idle screws.

If you are going to drill the caps out you will want to tape each end of the carbs so as not to allow any metal into the carbs. I used some duct tape to tape the ends up and then when I got done drilling and got the caps out blew off the carbs with air and washed them down with solvent before proceeding any further.

I removed the caps on mine by drilling a 3/32" hole in the center of each cap and then screwing in a sheet metal screw far enough to pull the caps out. Obviously you want to use a lot of care when doing this so as not to drill into the screws.

Removing the float bowls requires removing three phillips head screws that are made of crap and torqued to about 4,000 ft.lbs. About the third time I pulled mine I replaced the phillips with allen head bolts. You can see in in this image the three screws that need to be removed, mine are allen's your's are probably phillips.

A good quality #2 phillips screwdriver is an absolute must here and even then you may have difficulty. I used an impact driver to get the screws out of one LC that the owner had mangled already. I hate doing that (something about beating on'em that really un-nerves me). Anyway this is probably not going to be much fun getting these screws out.

Once you get the fuel bowl screws removed carefully lift off the fuel bowl and you now have access to the main jet and the pilot jet as seen in this image. Removing these is as simple as taking a large standard blade screwdriver and unscrewing them and screwing in your new main jet / pilot jet.

Once you have installed your main jet and pilot jet replace the fuel bowl cover and tighten the bolts. Then repeat the procedure for the other side. Make sure your putting the correct jets on the correct side of the carb if you are using a staggered setup (160/157.5). The rear carb is the one with the throttle linkage attached.

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