Electrical Failure Update: This page was done before the Regulator/Rectifier problem was identified by Ailog. Since then we have a guide to do a complete wiring mod, that includes changes that cover both power failuer and charging issues with the VL1500. This new writeup was done by Ron. Follow this link HERE to find complete instructions that Supercedes this page by Wes. The First Clue Something Was Amiss:
I checked the battery, cleaned both the battery connections, cleaned the grounding connection from the battery to the frame and checked every electrical plug on the bike to try and find what was causing this occasional this problem. Somewhere in the process everything seemed to be working correctly... I was wrong in that assumption. Dead Bike
Paul and I then began what would turn out to be a 4 hour quest. We replaced the ignition, computer and starter relay and pretty much wore out an ohmeter testing wires. At the end of four hours we were no closer to identifying the problem. About the 5th hour we found the elusive problem.