I did a lot of testing on my bike before I did this. I took a volt/ohmeter and made me a connection to my battery using my trickle charge plug, then eloquently attached it (duct tape) to the bike so I could see whilst moving down the road.

I should mention the following electrical changes to my bike from the stock LC:

Both rear turn signal bulbs are dual element turn/running lights. I have added a lightbar, burning 55 watt bulbs each. My headlight is cross-wired with a relay, turning on the high beams give both hi and low elements. My lightbar is also attached to this relay. When I hit high beams I get hi and low elements plus both 55 watt lightbar lights (we have deer around these parts).

Before: Idling with low beams only

After: Idling with low beams only

Before: Idling everything on

After: Idling everything on

Before: Peak voltage obtained at RPM

After: Peak voltage obtained at RPM

Summation & Final Thoughts