Ailog has done a tremendous favor for the LC community. My brother has been fighting a charge problem with his 99 LC for nearly a year, perhaps even longer. With his GPS on his bike he could see his voltage and was constantly in the 12.7 or less range while cruising and was in a constant state of discharge while idling. He has replaced batteries, pulled parts, cleaned connectors, tested everything and still had the same problem.

He punted and took his bike to a Suzuki dealer. They tested everything, cleaned connectors, replaced parts and were down to waiting 3 weeks for a stator. He picked up his bike yesterday and did this fix today. Now his bike charges 13.5+ cruising and runs into the 14+ range. His idle is 12+ so he is no longer discharging the battery at idle. I suspect we won't have to push start this bike again.

The problem Ailog has found is a problem I believe is inherent to *any* LC after looking at the wiring diagram and learning what I have learned about wire sizes and resistance over the last week or so. It's a problem. How big of a problem is going to depend on how you ride, where you ride and under what conditions, and mileage.

If you have a stock bike with no add on electrical items and don't grunge up your bike in the rain then you very well may never have this problem. It's been my experience that most LC riders ride. They didn't buy it for a garage ornament. If you have done what most of us have, added a few lights and electrical gadgets here and there and ride it under all kinds of conditions, I would almost bet you will experience this problem eventually.

Ailog my hats off, you have found solution to a problem that some have had and some were destined to have.

If you have an LC and are not a member of the LC Forum you are missing out on some of the best information available for and about your LC.

While I'm at it, thanks Jeff for the excellent forum, HC for all his carburator tips & tricks, Crow, Lomita, JeffL, Orc and the dozens of others that I can't think of at 2am that have provided some excellent information about LC's. I may not input a lot but I damn sure read'em.

Happy riding!