Once the plastic sleeve was sliced away exposing the wires I
then removed the blade connector (red wire) from the plug. I
did this by taking a small screwdriver and gently pushing it
out from the connect side out the back of the plug.
don't necessarily have to remove the original blade connector
from the plug, you can do this without doing it. I did it
mostly because I wanted to check that connection and make it a
solder connection also.
Next strip back a piece on the original red
wire. I used a
utility razor and carefully stripped off about 1/2" or so.
Then strip off about a 1/2" on the new wire and solder them
together. I also soldered the crimp connection of the factory
wire but that is optional.
Once the soldering is done and
cooled, tape that connection up
suitably with electrical tape and then tape everything
together simulating the factory sleeve that was cut off
earlier in the process. Connections on this end are now done.
If you have some electrical contact cleaner and
dielectric grease this would be a good time to do some
maintenance here while you got the connectors exposed.
If you removed the factory blade connection then put
it back in the plug. Make sure it seats firmly and then grab
the cover, plug the rectifier back in, make sure the blade
connector didn't push out the back, and then replace the
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