Now don't get me wrong, I love my LC and there isn't another bike out there right now that would cause me to unmount mine. But the electrical system is sub-par in my opinion. Couple that with a motor that has decomp's that need a healthy charge to function and you have built a minimal electrical system on a bike that needs optimal power to crank over. Now toss in a lightbar, a few extra lights in the back, a couple of accessories like a cell phone charger etc and you are destined for a problem (my opinion, take it for what it's worth). Here is what I think happens. Over time (miles) contacts begin to accumulate resistance simply because of road grime. Once that resistance gets to a certain level it then starts degrading the entire system. Once that happens the battery no longer gets cycled to full charges and it begins to degrade, thus putting even more of a load on the electrical system and the problem takes on a life of it's own. I think this problem is going to effect every LC owner that has added a few goodies (lightbar, etc) who rides frequently and does a lot of starting and stopping in traffic. If it is an LC garage ornament that only see's the road on Sunday then it may not be a problem. My brother rides his '99 daily to work as well as recreational riding. Bumping 30,000 or so his bike became totally unreliable when it comes to starting. This fix was done on my '01 with 22,000 miles on it and I can see a definite difference in voltage to the battery. That tells me that my bike was in the process of degrading electrically already.