If you like to use your
picture stored here in your signature of the Intruder forum, please just follow the instructions: |
Click the BACK button, look for your forum nickname and visit your site by clicking on your name. |
You will find your name at the top (hopefully) and your signatur picture(s) |
Right from the picture you'll find |
Click on and WORDPAD or another text processing software |
with the html code for your signatur will appear (hopefully). |
If you know how to copy and paste, do it like you always do. |
If you DON'T know how to copy and paste, here are the steps you have to do: |
To save the code local on your harddrive: |
In the menu on the top click FILE and in the pull-down-menu SAVE AS |
then set the directory and the file name and press OK. |
To copy and paste: |
Press CTRL-A (press and hold the CTRL button while pressing A) |
this will mark all of the text. |
Press CTRL-C (press and hold the CTRL button while pressing C) |
this will copy the marked text in the computer memory. |
Go to the Intruder Forum, log in and select PREFERENCES |
Scroll down to SIGNATURE |
With your mouse click anywhere in the Signature text area. |
(The cursor should blink now there) |
Press CTRL-A (press and hold the CTRL button while pressing A) |
this will mark all of the text in the Signature window. |
Press CTRL-V (press and hold the CTRL button while pressing V) |
Now your new html code for the signature shoud be there. |
To save the settings, please press UPDATE. |